Jump The Turnstile Poetry

This September, we feature the work of students at Morristown High School who participated in Arts by the People’s 2024 Jump the Turnstile Project. This collaboration brought together creative writing students from the high school, choreographers and dancers from Montclair State University, and digital media and animation from students at Maryland Institute College of Art. The resulting live mixed-media performances explored the power of expression across different art forms, highlighting the creative spirit and celebrating a diverse set of talents. This month, we are featuring the work of the student poets who contributed to this year’s showcase.

Scene at the Symphony

by Natalie Verga

Across the auditorium in a gold-flushed balcony, a little boy rises from his mother’s lap 

Floating above the worn velvet seats

To conduct the musicians in their weaving blooming song

Aiding the violins as they soar over the winds

And urging on the lone percussionist in keeping the beat 

He feels no one else 

He sees himself at the forefront of the stage

He becomes the one becoming the sound

In his eyes a tremendous sight

In his hands the whole world

Commanding notes overlapping

Creating multitudes shimmering 

The audience below him notice not his task

Eyes fixed on the shining show

As the boy sweeps his arms

A maestro in his universe alone


by Elva Siverrtsson

Coffee grinds color my scent 

Chatter vibrates off the walls

Baristas unbothered as puffy steam rises

Through the tedious process of coffee-making 

A woman with bright red lipstick 

With an even brighter purse accessorizing her floral dress

Scratches her silver hair 

She sits solo at a table for two

Been sitting ever since my arrival 

Sitting patiently

Her hot coffee wrapped into her pair of hands

While a second lone cup sits by the empty seat across from her

High expectations twinkle in her eyes 

Seconds become minutes 

Precious time wasted 

Her feet start to tap

Hands start to rub

All as her expectations

drown in her eyes 

As the abandoned

coffee gets



by George Spenser

Is it stupid that

this small


brittle feeling

overtakes my body?

Like a wave

crashing from my feet

to my ankles

dipping myself

in muddy water

I cling to the feeling

to the touch

without semblance

without reason

the physical act of love

Heartbeat stalling my lungs

red light flickering

I am the moth

pulled into a false sun

I am the yarn

from a long and grandiose needle

matted with rust

I am the steam

whistling out of coffee

two cups

chipped at the handle

partaking in their shared history

I am the sleeve

facing an onslaught

of arrows

piercing skin

drawing blood

Because, truthfully

What is this feeling if not something to cry for?

Beautiful Perfection

by Selah Madison Raphael

I watch as she unloads her bag that holds the algebraic equation called makeup.

Perfection equals mascara plus brow tint plus eyeshadow.

Remove excess from both to find x. 

Find an acute angle to achieve the perfect liner.

Remember the order of operations 

Add foundation then base,then concealer

Then add bronzer, contour,highlighter and brows but make sure it’s a congruent amount

And that both sides are equal.

And if she solves the equation correctly

X will equal

Beautiful perfection.


by Lily Wintermute

City lights, an endless neon, 

shine brighter when enclosed in a midnight sky.

The stars are hiding,

and you are trying to pick them out 

in the invisible mist that covers them.

Your back turned to the casino,

your eyes scan the firmament 

for an answer as to why the moon chased its children away.

Why when you look up, 

glitter does not rest in the reflection of your eyes,

why the electric billboards never go out,

and why no one seems to be searching for an answer,


As you are.

Their smiling,

faces as they cross the streets,

skip across sidewalks,

hollering out to the night.

Their cheering and dancing

and wildly throwing themselves into the air,

radiating in fluorescent light.

And you turn your body to face them,

part your lips,

point to where the stars should be

and the moon still is.

But you forget.

As they walk past you,

walk through you. 

That you are but only a shadow,

who wishes

to be heard. 


By Sophia Ricciardelli

Deep inside my emerald closet

at the core of my being,

familiar velvet garments,

A feeling flashes by

like a fox through the brush

The slightly sheer cashmere sweater

that falls in just the right places

Necklaces discarded in a dish

unable to tell gold apart from silver

On a chilly November night

I watch the trees in transition

Once adorned with frilly paper-like leaves,

now only bare branches

lonely and waiting for their life to be brought back 

The smooth, clear vase sits on the table

shattering the second I look at it.

And the sound of crackling glass

burns like coffee with no milk


by Kaitlyn McNutt

Another worm on the sidewalk.

What happens to them?

They crawl up

Out of the dirt

Into a new place

A kinder place

Or so it seems

Forever doomed with promises of damp, soon brittle,


Another duck in the freezing pond.

What happens to them?

They prepare for flight

Flying as one entity

For a new place

A warmer place

Unaware of those beneath

A bullet flies through them as they fall to the


Another deer walking through the road.

What happens to them?

They who appear

Early at dusk heading

To a new place

A more lush place

Or so they think

Always quickly stopped and left discarded on the


Another tree in the forest.

What happens to them?

The ones that send

Out their seeds 

Offering a new place

A greener place

Because they know

That they will soon be replaced in these woods by


I fear the day we all turn to concrete

That in our deaths

Our tombstones

Indicating we are in a place

A so called better place

Will take over our presence

Sending us forth as we return like much else,

To concrete

Red Light

by Christopher Cioffi

as the autumn wind whips up the street,

the light turns from yellow to red

a white pickup truck 

rusted fenders 

deafening loud muffler

growls to a stop

a man with a white beard 

tattered blue baseball cap

rolls down his window

arm resting on the door frame

he turns up the volume

singing along 

to  September

by earth wind and fire

as a blue lexus 

shining in the midday sun 

coasts to a stop

next to the truck

a woman

wearing a cream coat 

gold bracelet

looks in the mirror

applying eyeliner 

she reaches for the window

to block out the sound

when suddenly

something stops her

her hand bobs to the song 

head doing the same

her face smiles slightly 

she stops the window

the man with the white beard glances over 

two strangers make eye contact

letting the flow of the song

connect them

suddenly the light is green

the truck goes straight

lexus makes a left

the two disappear from each other

unlikely to cross paths again 

but for that one

seemingly insignificant moment

the red light

and the music

brought them together