grace (ge) gilbert

grace (ge) gilbert's recent micro, poetics, & lyric essays can/will be found in the Adroit Journal, Hobart, Ninth Letter, Pithead Chapel, the Offing, the minnesota review, Gargoyle, DIALOGIST, the Penn Review, Maudlin House, and others. Her digital micro-chap, no sharp things, can be found in NAILED. She is an MFA candidate at the University of Pittsburgh, where she consumes unholy amounts of cheese and dumplings. Peruse her work on her website-


i walk                                                              

thru my day not 

In a dream but 

in the congealed headache

of having dreamt

my mind trying 

to tease u out

in the latent way 

            these taffy pulls

 of bonafide 


which u say 

during our walk

            is so different

            than the Light

                                    in movies

i pass a tree now

with a sign 

that reads 

            NOT AN ASHTRAY

& i wrap

my silly arms 

around this 

repressed plea

            which connects us

I guess it’s time 

to admit 

The Yearning

this weird 

model home    


i’ve found myself frequenting

so pastel So


in my 


            it is here 

i realize

i am a dull       feral


bc when i finally get

What i want

                        i fear it

i am Meaning 


            to somebody


i am 

so full

of slow, Slow beats 


a sidewalk

where this pigeon

 is so freshly 


her pose resembles 

an agency 


O! this life 

            we Live

even in scenes 


            much directive

we talk endlessly

about god

            like we killed Him

i told u 

on someone’s 

private property 

what my poems

have been telling me

            for almost a yr 

that i am Bad 

     with love

             i mean

this particular 


 has      diseased            me

i am a bad 


bc i’d follow u


                        & with 

                        a foolish  precision

i am So tired

            of sun now

it is so At Hand


in the grocery store

line outside with all 

the people

where i compliment a man’s hat

to feel less disembodied

in our collective 


            we move damp &

in unison

down a block 

our red shopping baskets

            some strange    

                        a cappella 

i Hate how sheepish 

i feel now 


this ubiquity

            this thin swath 

of fabric

@ home i will remove myself

            like a coat

& place 

grocery store   mums

            in a Jar one

at a time and think 

of you   think 

of yr     hands

            tenting  mine 

in a gray hoodie 


think of saying

            you are so Important

                        to me

under the pretty light


of our crumbling exterior


            in the shower later

i count the bristled perpetual 


that grow 

            like wheat

                        on my nipples

to remind myself

that i am Real

with Real verdant


            i want this to erase

the image you cited

of my dress

            of  the cigarette

            in my mouth

in that bar 

we can no longer


            I guess what I’m         saying

 is that this       is so uncluttered

            & pure

            it pinches me

to make sure

            it’s not dreaming

i am putting on 

yr green sweater 


aware of Stakes

            in that they are spoken of

so often 

in literature 

& ignored

            anyway and for lesser


 i amble through the Rubble

of a news feed

            & feel guilt

            that i want to keep 

            this one Lens

                        zoomed in 

w/o      interference      


            the Collective

@ this point

we must 

b Docents 

of our own

            minute artifacts 

                        b full of big Joy

in our small 

            black box


                        that we probably

                                    snuck into 

                                                after dark

O love o  fearful 

exhilarant        trajectory         

            u are 

                        the genuine


aren’t you

O ruminant o   body prone

            Can we maintain

against the grass

this shape 

            of thinking

can we continue mouthing

This is so 


            while something burns

entirely &

                        Somewhere else