Platform Review accepts submissions exclusively through

We are looking for works by poets and writers of fiction and nonfiction.
We encourage submissions from authors residing in New Jersey. We ask that you not submit work that has been previously published in print or online. We do not accept any writing or visual art that was created—entirely or partially—using AI software. Our publication is meant to be an outlet for human creativity only.

What to Include
A brief, third-person bio (50 words or less) in your cover letter. Your address, email, phone number and website if you have one. Tell us where you reside and if you have attended or participated in any ARTS by the People events or workshops. If you’re a high school student, put it in your bio. We want to know.

In the subject of your email PLATFORM REVIEW and Poetry, Fiction, Non Fiction (example: PLATFORM REVIEW, Fiction) Written submissions should be sent as an email WORD (.doc) attachment.

Poetry: Submit up to 3 poems in one document with each new poem beginning on a new page.

Fiction and Nonfiction: Submit one piece of prose. Though we prefer shorter pieces of 1,000 words, we will consider work with a maximum of 2,500 words. Include the word count at the top of the page.

Send Your Best Work
Your submission should be proofread and polished. We want work that is ready for publication.

By submitting you give ARTS By The People First North American Serial Rights to publish your work to our online journal Platform Review. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. We ask for acknowledgment if the author chooses to republish any accepted pieces.

You are more than welcome to submit to more than one genre, with each submission attached to a separate email. However, if you have recently been published by Platform Review, we ask that you wait a year before submitting to us again. If your work is accepted by another journal, please notify us immediately by emailing

Platform Review publishes on a rolling basis.
To keep submissions free, donations to ARTS By the People are appreciated.
Questions? Please email us at