Niharika Shah
Love Language (Poem)
Waking up earlier than the rest
Clay pots rebelliously clanged in spite of caution
The wooden fire pit mercilessly coughed up a black storm
She was in the flow.
Love was waiting and wanting
Wanting nourishment, waiting to satisfy.
Her touch was divine, fueled by her Agni*
Garnished with hope.
The meager lentils sounded the whistle
Demanding to be topped off with blistering ghee
previously infused with spices and herbs.
The powerful trifecta of tamas: onions, ginger and garlic, added just enough heat.
To energize and nurture inside/out.
The household returned to the fragrance of the daal and the soft steaming rice
Juices flowing and appetites stimulated,
The burden of the day ready to be lightened
With the weight of the fullness that ensued.
The heirloom cooking pot had been seasoned with a woman’s love.
Nourishing not just the body and mind,
Also feeding the soul
Igniting ambition
Delivering strength.
A recipe of love for love.
* fire
Paper Tigers (Poem)
She sat alone
In the dark, miserable company
Of the paper tigers that lived within her
And a few that shared her space,
Breathing the same air.
When did she give them this power
These people and thoughts that threatened insidious claim?
Yet, and if she only knew this,
When challenged, they would disintegrate slowly at first, then instantaneously.
Much like a sand castle eviscerated by a desert storm,
Or an emperor with no clothes,
If only she’d call them out.
I wish I could sit by her
And whisper quietly if she would listen
“Turn those paper tigers into beautiful origami art, girlfriend.”
Because she is the real deal.
A tigress waiting to unleash
If only she would let her magnificent fire
Burn those paper tigers
That shamelessly live rent free.