Ben Schulman

Ben Schulman is a writer based in Memphis, TN. His work has appeared in Sandstorm, Just Place, CityLab, Metropolis, among others. See more at


under moonlight

with little rocks 

by your side 

the whole world

draining from the Mississippi 

here, on God’s alluvial plain

where the sea begins to see 

is where I saw myself, here slinking in and out of orbit 

as you’ve been

slinking in and out of orbit too 

asking ourselves

“did we fill enough books?” 

how many lists did we write

as we carved your name 

into the city 

did we make all the preparations to box your voice 

expectant like a crib in this autumn 

as in that autumn desperate 

to place 

the same sound and light captured in a park 

in child twilight

in that perfect nightsong 

that you left to play forever