Tyson Ellis Berardo

Tyson Ellis Berardo is a trans man from Randolph, New Jersey and has been writing poetry for a few years. A writing tutor and member of his university's honors program, he is working towards his BA in English at Saint Elizabeth University. Tyson has previously worked with Arts By The People in the spring of 2022 in Jump the Turnstile under a different first name. He has also attended several of Arts By The People’s open mic nights and poetry workshops. Tyson is super excited to submit to Platform Review, as this would be his very first publication.

Bound Lungs

a tight squeeze makes me question if i can even get it over my head—did i measure wrong?

my heart races         it struggles to go on or off     will i have to cut myself out? will i  have to call for help? i struggle       it finally goes on—or i thought it was that simple another 

ten minutes of adjusting everything just to feel more comfortable with how it looks and feels finally it’s in place i turn       glance in the mirror—No      this isn’t what i want at least—not right now a new type of fear enters my mind—how in the hell do i get it off?

more squeezing today but this time—it’s a hug like there is always someone with me controlling

           my breathing it’s a cozy weighted blanket there to soothe me all day long another glance in the mirror—Yes     i finally like what i see But—still something isn’t right the never-ending battle continues           someone’s pressing dumbbells        down on my ribcage until my lungs   can’t        fully     expand—it becomes impossible      to take       a    complete     breath

—a band of bruises claims my body my heart pounds beneath this chest plate that has turned into

armor—an ironclad shield hiding my reality from the world

now i need something to wear over it

A Name 6 Feet Under

i never imagined your funeral

unlike you—it’s dark        and gray

watching them pile dirt on your coffin

the proper burial       i never pictured

tried to be who you wanted

hoped to live up to expectations

compacted into a display case of lies

unable to feel my own smile of stone

i longed to watch you burn

deep into the skin of those who loved you

now that you’re really gone       i mourn the


—funny—never thought i’d cry

i leave fresh flowers at your tombstone

nearly every day

it’s hard to believe i ever hated you

but i was just       born this way

looking back at pictures of us

i can't help but miss you

bitter-sweet moments are all we have

because we will no longer be

i try to carry on your legacy

and still move forward in my life

i defend you loud and clear

because you are anything but dead

i never attended your funeral

days with you were cold        and long

waiting for the day you’d leave

because i never asked         for you

feared you were forcing me to

become something i was not

life grew into lies

doing what i thought i should

i dreamed for the day you would finally be


and give me the freedom i desperately


now that you’re gone     i’m finally complete

i fucking wonder why

when i think of you i cringe

nearly every time

it’s hard to believe i ever lived with you

how could i possibly survive?

you were stuck to me like glue

never leaving me alone

became the most annoying fly

making part of me want to die

moving on proves difficult

as part of you still stays

you’ll always be a part of me

no matter what might change

in your memory remains

the bane of my existence

somehow i try to find freedom

in being truly me

Call My Name

After Kayleb Rae Candrilli’s Daytona 500

every day—it’s “my baby girl”

it’s “my beautiful baby girl”

it's everything except


every moment—

every time we talk

we don’t get anywhere

I bang my fist on the desk

hang my head

I know I can’t

pound my thoughts into


every day—I hold my breath

hoping praying

you’ve finally

figured it out

but no—

I end up biting down on my tongue

so I don’t scream in your face

I clench my jaw

tighten my stomach

grasp the air

tight in my fists

all to keep from hanging up the phone

to care is to call a name right?

that’s what you believe—

to really care is to call my name