Cara Armstrong

Cara Armstrong is Director of the School of Architecture + Art at Norwich University in Northfield, VT. With degrees in Environmental Design, Philosophy of Interdisciplinary Studies, Architecture, and Poetry, she actively pursues projects and research related to cross-disciplines and creativity. Cara is the author and illustrator of three books: Moxie the Dachshund of Fallingwater, a tri-lingual counting book, Counting with Cats who Dream/Compte avec les Chats qui Revent/Contando con Gatos que Suenan, and A Trick of Living: Sketches and Poems.


Daily drawing has become a form of meditation and devotion. Drawing our home’s items has shown me that they have a power to contain, as well as reveal, the very shape of our lives.  

      Still lifes are paintings or drawings of arranged objects—often fruits, flowers, and objects with contrasting textures.  Seemingly mundane items transform into a revealing and personal work of art.

      These still lifes are in some ways a collaboration, in that I am not arranging the objects, but simply drawing the quotidian bits and pieces of how my wife has placed them in our home, how we live with them and how we live. Two years into a pandemic, there is still life.

Cara Armstrong, Vermont, 2022