Anne Marie Wells

Anne Marie Wells (she | they) is a queer poet, playwright, and storyteller navigating the world with a chronic illness. She is a faculty member of the Community Literature Initiative through the Sims Library of Poetry. Her prose and poetry have appeared or will appear in Ninth Letter, Plath Profiles, Brain Mill Press, The Dallas Review, and others. Find Anne Marie at

On the form: “Remnants” is a form invented by Anne Marie Wells called “A Dipper,” and consists of a quatrain, a couplet and a single word followed by the inverse: a single word, a couplet, and a quatrain. The same words utilized in the top section are used in the bottom section. The form mimics the shapes of the big and little dipper—constellations with significant meaning to her family. “Eta Canis Minoris” is of a poetic form titled “A Ribcage,” invented by poet Athena Liu, consisting of twelve alternating, twelve-syllable lines and a monosyllabic word in brackets. At the end of the text, the bracketed words—or spine—are read from top to bottom.