Len Lawson

Len Lawson is the author of Chime (Get Fresh Books, 2019) and co-editor of Hand in Hand: Poets Respond to Race (Muddy Ford Press, 2017). His poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.  He has received fellowships from Callaloo, Vermont Studio Center, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Weymouth Center for the Arts, and others. His poetry appears in Callaloo, African American Review, Ninth Letter, Verse Daily, Mississippi Review, and elsewhere. Len is also a Ph.D. candidate in English Literature and Criticism at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, earning the 2020 IUP Outstanding Doctoral Student Award. He has taught English in South Carolina higher education for ten years. Visit Len at lenlawson.co

Happy Poem

Lawd I feel good today I’m Ice Cube Today Was a 

Good Day Steadymobbing today I’m Outkast So Fresh 

So Clean today I got me a woman and she tells me I’m 

her world best thing since sliced bread I’m the loaf today  

I                  feel         like            a       million  

man march in my soul today because everything is 

gonna be a’ight be tight & outta sight gimme five on the 

black hand side        can’t nobody hold me down except 

this honey-colored honey by my side today     I’m feeling 

Freebird today and every plane with a band will land as 

planned I’m high ho hi ho to wherever I wanna 

go zippity doo da and chim chim cheree           I’m lifted  

I’m gone and I ain’t coming back without a diamond toe tag 

Excuse me, do you ever write any happy poems   Why yes 

white lady ma’am I do and this one’s for you too   To-day 

means I’m headed eyes wide into the sun     or an eclipse 

[yeah but If We Must Die] No not today     Today we shine 

like gold dollar pieces for eyes     Today we smelt gold 

teeth into our veins Every noose around a neck is 

now a dookie chain halo Excuse me, will your poems 

ever be happy       Ain’t you been listening       I am 

happy         I’m Pharrell Happy happy       dancing 

in the street happy I’m walking on sunshine shining  

I’m Stevie Wonder Isn’t She Lovely Happy Birthday song happy

I’m Happy Gilmore get in your hole happy     I’m so 

happy [it won’t last] I ain’t going nowhere     not even 

into tomorrow 

Ars Poetica

I race  

to the same  

empty wells 

shoving my  

face into dry 

prized orifices 

looking for 

my reflection 

while the mirror 

in my flesh 

screams back to  

my own well 

echoing I am 

already filled 

with the water 

I seek 

Dark Arts

When it comes to this poetry 

I ain’t shit 

You better figure that out  

before these black swamp 

backwater words 

asphyxiate your lungs 

before these noose-filled phrases  

dangle you like carbon monoxide 

holding a suburban home hostage 

Why does everything sublime after 

taste like a chemical burn 

Pour rubbing alcohol through  

the nose and breathe  

like an exorcism  

I’m trying to say  

don’t trust me 

I’m sifting through  

the cabinet of my vocabulary  

for the cyanide  

but it’s oozing out more  

like castor oil 

God, did I hate that shit 

Mama asphyxiated   

my esophagus with it  

like tar through a catheter  

I smelled nothing but  

poverty and ashes for days 

yet my nasal membranes glowed 

like my face after Mama prayed 

over the grease to slay 

my ashy black skin into gold 

I’m trying to glow again 

to flood my senses thick  

with copious translucence 

to boa-constrict your half-life  

with a mellifluous chokehold 

Mama I’m praying  

just like you 

for that black magic 

from above