Kelli McGuire

Kelli McGuire is an artist based in New Jersey and New York City. She works in analog photography, video and collage. She graduated with a BFA in photography in 2011.


I have a fixation on light and color. I have a synesthetic reaction to vivid, saturated light. Whether it’s a rectangle of warm light plastered against my wall like a poster, glowing Christmas lights against dusk, or sunrise reflecting on a raggedy tinsel stuck to a fence—intense light makes me feel high. Walking through the woods during the summer, little flecks of the orange sun flickering on and off my face.  I feel like a reptile, warming myself under a red light bulb. Absorbing nutrients from these visual experiences I try to illustrate this quality in my photographs. I aim to capture that mysterious emotion light brings to me. 

Kelli McGuire, New York, New York 2020